A stick of Isla 8 Fragen / 8 Questions
... und 8 Antworten / 8 answers: Six names you go by / six names on which you hear: Elizabeth, mother, wife Kuhnle, Lisa, Lise, Mom, Elisa (are even 7 - yep, but not only 6 7!)
Three things you are wearing right now / three things you're wearing: HIS jeans, dark brown, long-sleeved (dark brown long-sleeved) T-shirt, white fabric belt with metal buckle (white tissue belt)
Three things you want very badly at the moment / three things you most wish you the moment: my car back (getting back my car), more money than I have available (money, more than I have), dry Weather (no rain) (dry weather / no rain)
Three things you did last night, yesterday, today / three things you last night, did yesterday and today: read on Facebook and written (reading and writing on Facebook), brochures discharged (distributing advertisement folders), to Charlotte for physiotherapy gone (attending physiotherapy with Charlotte)
Two things you ate today / two things you've eaten today: potatoes and smoked trout fillets (potatoes and smoked trout)
Two last people you talked to on the phone / two people with whom you last phone call: Christa, Silke
Two things you are going to do tomorrow / two things you will do tomorrow: to Charlotte to go to speech therapy, delivery Brochures (attending speech therapy with Charlotte, distributing advertisement folders)
Your three favorite beverages / your three favorite drinks: fruit juice, coffee with milk, Volvic water (or other good water) (fruit juice, coffee with milk, high quality table water)
Day 5 people / invite 5 other people to the game a:
I must think only that, I was not really so long in the blogosphere the way ...
(I'll have to think about that ... long time I did not visit any blogs)
Thanks to Isla for the stick-throwing!
Thanks to Isla for the invitation to this game!