Linsey Dawn Mckenzie In The Swing
Restaurants in Tossa de Mar
Tossa de Mar, offers zuminde st of May through September, an incredible amount of restaurants. Some of them are probably among the best of Catalonia, others come across the "usual tourist food" away little. It is therefore extremely important to his nose and honest recommendations to follow in order not to experience an unpleasant surprise.
One should in his consideration definitely consider two things. In order to offer low prices suggest some restaurants "cheap" meals, but add then add in small that the prices are without VAT, forget about the drink or another "little thing" - and again I was already angry at other rumors about ears in terms of ease of use. A meal for 9 euros is not so cheap if you then wine, coffee and VAT must be expected to do so.
But what is typical of Tossa? Tapas from the classic type are rarely found and even very good pizzas are not well regarded as typical. Paella is not also from Tossa, even if one can find very good. And the really very typical dish from Tossa, Cim i tomba is probably not to everyone's taste , since dominated the garlic. And then of course there are some other excellent fish, but not belonging to the lower price range and therefore can be for many more as the highlight of a holiday considered. Who wants to eat in the restaurant every day (and not just eat out of hand is used) should certainly take into account in an appropriate amount of its holiday fund and forget that Spain, or in this case, Catalonia, still belong to the Low Countries. The current prices are more above German levels.
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