Monday, October 25, 2010


Warm hands while driving

you can use in this weather all right. Since I have gloves on but can not because then I have no real feel for the steering wheel, there are just only grown almost fingerless gloves. The guide can be found here .

knit they are at 2.5, he KnitPro circular needle and a Knäulchen Knitpicks Essential. Super soft, I can tell you.

The instructions I had already started last fall times translate and did not dare turn me (also because of the Mausezähnchenrandes) and now I had the first've done in 4.5 hours and the second, I then knitted by heart * lol * Sometimes it's really easier than it looks.

So, and there again the next socks. A pair is nearing completion and the second pair of socks, the first is already completed (I change from the time, not so stricken Stinos is so boring.)

So there will soon read here again. You can tell is autumn and winter in my knitting time * gg * LG

your Clara


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